Published Tue, Jul 05, 16. Written by Shannon Smith.
Thank you to everyone who had helped us fund the first two phases of Turn On The Water 2016! With our partners, SuNica, that's $42,000 you have helped us raise in just two weeks. Now it's on to phase three, The Pump.
Now that the leadership of the community is being established and cultivated to move forward, Phase Two is the first step of actual construction. We need to raise $6,000 for this phase which will unlock a $6,000 match and get us to our Phase II goal of $12,000.
No matter where you stand on planet earth, there's almost always clean water somewhere under the ground. In this particular region, we may need to drill up to 300 feet to find that clean water, but it's there. Phase Two is all about breaking through the mud and rock to reach it.
Far too many men and women in San Carlos have died from Chronic Kidney Disease. The human kidney is designed to constantly filter out contaminants from the body. But if the water you're drinking is perpetually dirty, your kidneys are constantly working overtime to filter out contaminants, eventually causing irreversible damage.
It's no surprise that this condition is even worse in men who work in the sugar cane fields. In addition to being ravaged by high levels of contamination, the kidney organs are routinely trying to operate in a state of dehydration.
This is why the people of San Carlos need your help to drill for clean water.