Turn On The Water 2016: Phase 3 is funded!

Published Sun, Jul 10, 16. Written by Shannon Smith.

Phase 3 is FULLY FUNDED!

Thank you to everyone who has helped us fund the first three phases of Turn On The Water 2016!  The total raised for the project is now up to $56,000.  That's pretty amazing!  Thank you so much for helping make that happen. Phase four will cover The Tank.  It was be a huge hurdle, as we need to raise $28,000 to complete it.



Phase 3: The Pump


About The Pump Phase

Phase 3 is the pump phase. Now that we've drilled a hole in the ground, tapping into an aquifer full of abundant clean water, we’ve got to have a way to get that water up to the surface. What good is clean water if you can't get to it?

Enter the pump. Well, it's more than just the pump. It's also the electrical components needed to wire up said pump and the brilliance of Nicaragua's finest electrical contractor, Sergio Pineda!

Now that we can find this clean water, help us bring it to the people of San Carlos.

Phase 3 Transparency Notes

If you're thinking that a pump doesn't cost $14,000, you're exactly right.  This phase does include the costs of a 4 hp submersible pump, but much more than that. Also included in the Phase 3 budget are the costs of a transformer, all necessary electrical equipment to run and protect the pump. It's important to note that the phases of the TOTW campaign are not an exact reflection of the costs of that phase. The phase amounts are close and have been rounded to a near whole number. Each of the five phases also include project overhead costs (i.e.: vehicle, mobilization, etc.) of about 16%.